Sunday, May 13, 2007


I know that this is my usual topic of non-school related conversation but I will fill those of you who don't already know in on whats going on with me. (The short and sweet version)
So in January I met this really nice guy.... who just happened to be a lot older than me, but we really hit it off and started seeing each other regularly.... at first I was reserved and was waiting to see where he wanted to take things... then I was like "hey, I finally have someone in my life who wants to be with me and I'm the one holding back". So I decided to give him a try and make things official....... and that is when all hell broke loose.

I mean he was pushing for the relationship because he didn't really want to be with anyone who didn't want to be with him, but the minute I consented it was like OK I have her now I don't have to work!!!!!!!!!!
Like someone please tell me why this man who would call me three or fours times a day has gone down to maybe once a week.
Why this person that swears he wants to be with me all of a sudden can't make our dates and can't call to say he isn't coming...

So of course I'm thinking that I have just gone from the frying pan into the fire..... when I start talking to some of my girlfriends about the situation and they completely understand where I am coming from ( other than the why am I still with him part.... But I will get back to that).
Apparently with most men this is the course of the relationship:
You work hard until you have her and then once you know that she isn't going anywhere you slack off and tell her that she is the one who is overreacting. Humphh!!!!
Im sorry But I didn't fall for the slacker.... I fell for the man who called me everyday just to see how I was doing.
I fell for the man who wanted to spend all of his free time with me.
I fell for the man who rubbed my feet while I was studying.

I did not fall for the man who doesn't come around, always shows up late, never calls, and just generally takes me for granted.
That was every other nigga out in the street that I wasn't giving the time of day..... if I wanted that I would have let one of them holla!!!!!

But the problem I'm having now is that I have allowed feelings to become involved...... I love him.... yeah I said it.... and love will make you do some crazy things.... like stay in a situation that you wouldn't have allowed 4 months ago.....
So the question becomes.... how do I prove my point.... How do I make him realize that he is taking me for granted and make him get his shit in order.... period?

Gosh..... who knew relationships were difficult!!!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!

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