Sunday, November 26, 2006

Living at Home with the Parent

I thought that moving back home with my mother was going to be easy. Over the years while I was in Tallahassee we had become friends and she was allowing me to live my life. Now that I am back home it is like I never left. This thanksgiving holiday was particularly crazy because my sister was at home for an extended period and it was like my mother completely reverted. She treated me like I was a child and couldn't tie my own shoe laces. Things got so bad I thought about finding an apartment and moving out for the beginning of the year.
When I need her to be understanding all she can be is bothersome and aggravating. Everyone says that they can understand my situation but can they really. They aren't still home with their parents and they didn't hurt their parents feelings when they left because they were moving far away and their parents had to understand.
I don't really want to move because I do not want the bills that I will incur living on my own, but I can't take the harassment anymore..... I really need some advice. If anyone knows of what I should do please let me know because I can't continue this back and forth... this up and down.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Good Men...........

I have heard this over and over that women don't know what they want and that they say they want a good man, but they don't know a good man when they see one. Well I can honestly say that I have met a good man, one that is perfect for me in every way except one. He is entirely to shy. While I don't like to be pressured about the whole sex issue I do enjoy having male attention of the positive sort. I spoke with my cousin today and we talked about how things had been going and she mentioned that her husband was the same way. He would take her out but he wouldn't kiss her and barely held her hand. Then out of the blue one day he kissed her in the parking lot outside of her job and she was sitting there like " What just happened?" I don't blame her because I think if this guy should me any kind of attention I would be totally shocked. But I do like him and I am going to try to repress some of my natural urges in order to allow him to develop in this situation, and maybe I won't mess this up.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


So I was told a couple of days ago that I wasn't ready to talk to someone because of the things that I write in my blog and that my blog kinda gives them the state of my mind.
Well I took that advice with a grain of salt and went about the Week and my Birthday on yesterday. Well I sent a message to "Z" on his birthday and I kinda expected one on mine.... Of course that didn't happen. But I received a belated one this morning?
As I was sitting at the table last night at dinner and I had to blow out the candle on my brownie I made a couple of wishes ( because I believe in things like that) and I won't tell you what those wishes were because I want them to come true..... But some of them I don't think will.
I know that a lot of the people that have talked to me lately don't think that the frame of mind that I am in is a good one, and I agree. So I get all types of very good encouragement and I take all of it and run with it.
I was talking with my cousin last night and telling her about the people that I was going out to dinner with, every time I mentioned a guy she was like "who is He?"
So I told her that there is no one in my life right now and there probably won't be anyone for another three years. Of Course she went into the " right one is out there for you" spiel. I believe that, but I am really tired of trying to cope with things on my own and family can only support you so far.
So to the person that always reads my blog.... I want to be forgiven for the things that I have done ( even when I didn't know I was doing them) and I have forgiven those things that were done to me.
I'm done for today though

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Another Late Night Studying........

I am sick and tired of studying..... how much studying does it take for a person to go mad. I took a nap and now I am up trying to get through developmental Anatomy before I go to sleep again. As I come up to the end of this semester I realize that I haven't worked this much since I have been in school. Not even my freshman year when I was freakin out over my Honors Cal I class. I keep having people tell me not to give up ( which I don't think I have done yet), but I am so exhausted and I really want to finish what I started because that is the type of person that I am. Ok... now I am just babbling and I only have 1 page left to go on this transcript so I am going to get off of this computer.