Friday, August 18, 2006

The First Week of Medical School

I was not going to write about the first week of medical school, but I think that it would be a release to talk about some of the things that happened this week. I have spent the entire week trying to WARM-UP, and I do mean this literally. That classroom is 40 below everyday. I was thinking about taking a blanket, but I didn't want anyone to think that I was preparing to take a nap during the lecture. But today I saw that some other people were doing the same thing and I think that next week the blanket is coming out.
But thats not what you want to hear, you wanted to hear about how the lectures are going. Well Biochemistry isn't that bad but Gross Anatomy is killer. I find myself still trying to get some understanding in there. I don't have any problems with the lab, but that lecture is out of control. I learned in Gross lab today that a lot of my classmates had never had a practical exam before, so I thank FAMU for making us take all of those practical examinations. So if your sitting there trying to remember those muscles in comparative and you think that you will never see them again just remember that I said you will see them in Gross Lab during the first day.
I hope that this has been helpful because I am tired and I need to review some material. Ciao for now.
P.S.: One more week till the Cheetah Girls II...whooohooo

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