Monday, August 14, 2006

1st Day of Med School

Today marks the first day of medical school for me, for all of you that I have been wondering how the day has been going let me to tell you.... In one word.....


We spent the morning learning Biochemistry and having a Gross Anatomy lecture.... Which Gross is a lot like your general anatomy lecture. I will see how the lab is going to be on tomorrow. I think that Gross is going to be the hardest class that I have this semester.

Previously I said that I would not have done a science major if I had to do the whole shebang over again, but after the lectures that I had today I really appreciate the class that I took in undergrad to get here. Now those of you who know me know that I am not a morning person... so 8:30am classes everyday are going to be a stretch for me.
We are just finishing the Tablet PC discussion... and I still really don't know how to use this thing. But there is always trial and error.
I need to explore this system a little more but so far I really like it.

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