Monday, December 04, 2006

First Semester Finals.......

I know that a number of my fellow classmates read my blog so I will try to entertain you during your study breaks..... hahahaha....
Well anatomy is final over for the year and I know that I am not going to miss it. But I will miss the cracks from Dr. Fields, and the smell of the various cadevars in the lab ( come to think of it I won't miss that.)

But the biochem 4th block exam is coming up and I know that I will be cramming the information into my brain and I know that everyone else will also.... try to find a little more room for a little more information because it will all be over soon.
In other news I can't wait for the holidays, I will get to sleep and eat. Two of my favorite pastimes.
I think I am going to put my car in the shop in the hopes that the things that go wrong will be fixed next semester and I won't have these problems ( engine, power steering, etc.)
Or maybe I will just buy a new one ( hahahahaha) doubt that will happen.
Ok ... I will pray for you if you pray for me. Good luck and happy studying.!!!

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