Thursday, November 16, 2006


So I was told a couple of days ago that I wasn't ready to talk to someone because of the things that I write in my blog and that my blog kinda gives them the state of my mind.
Well I took that advice with a grain of salt and went about the Week and my Birthday on yesterday. Well I sent a message to "Z" on his birthday and I kinda expected one on mine.... Of course that didn't happen. But I received a belated one this morning?
As I was sitting at the table last night at dinner and I had to blow out the candle on my brownie I made a couple of wishes ( because I believe in things like that) and I won't tell you what those wishes were because I want them to come true..... But some of them I don't think will.
I know that a lot of the people that have talked to me lately don't think that the frame of mind that I am in is a good one, and I agree. So I get all types of very good encouragement and I take all of it and run with it.
I was talking with my cousin last night and telling her about the people that I was going out to dinner with, every time I mentioned a guy she was like "who is He?"
So I told her that there is no one in my life right now and there probably won't be anyone for another three years. Of Course she went into the " right one is out there for you" spiel. I believe that, but I am really tired of trying to cope with things on my own and family can only support you so far.
So to the person that always reads my blog.... I want to be forgiven for the things that I have done ( even when I didn't know I was doing them) and I have forgiven those things that were done to me.
I'm done for today though

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