Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Rest and ??????

So I took my biochem test today. It wasn't that bad but I wasn't really as prepared for it as I should have been. I think I need to turn up the fire under my studying another 400 degrees. But I don't think that I did that bad on the test.... hopefully.

For everyone that has wished me condolences over the last couple of days I would like to say thank you and I hope that you will continue to keep me in your prayers..... this is very hard and it will take time for me to come out totally but for now I will continue to pray and the one small comfort that I have is that he was meet at the gates by my grandfather and though he was not perfect God had a place ready for him in heaven and he (they) are preparing a place for my entire family when we get home. ( I normally don't let people see the spirit that is in me to this depth, but this is a real moment. If you lost someone recently or in the past know that they have a place and are waiting for you, because that is some extreme comfort)

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful beginning of the school year and that nothing will hinder anyone from finishing out the year....
God Bless......

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