Friday, May 18, 2007

100th Post....Whooooohooooo

Well blogger I have made it to my 100th post, and I think it is only fitting that this post be as introspective as possible ( i.e. All about me!!!!!)

So I received my heart monitor in the mail and I am now officially strapped... Hahhahaha!!!! So everybody be in prayer that there is nothing wrong with my heart.
As of tonight as I am writing this I have decided to become a vegetarian.... I don't think I'm going to take it so far as to watch every thing I eat and make sure there are no animals products used in them... I'm just going to give up meat for awhile.... Because I don't think quiting cold turkey works I'm going to give up chicken, pork, and red meat. I think that leaves fish and almost completely obliterates the menus at most fast food restaurants so I won't be eaten at any of those establishments any time soon. I am going to strive for a month and see how things go from there. I think that is a worthy 100th post declaration.

In other milestones I have decided to stop taking this God awful birth control that I started taking which has thrown my entire system out of whack. This is effective immediately. I will be trying other alternatives but hopefully something that is not going to make me moody and sick. I also think that the effects of this medication is effectively destroying my relationship. I have become someone that even I can't identify when it comes to this relationship and I am just ready to get my life back on track.

I was talking with my sister today just venting really about what I was doing wrong in my relationship. Something that I hadn't really done since we started having problems. I had to remind myself that there were faults that I have that contribute to the problems that we have, and I have to admit to myself that lately he hasn't been doing anything other than avoiding me and I can't really blame him because lately I have become an emotional wreck and sometimes I don't even want to be around myself. So I am making life changes..... I want the old me back.... and I think I have resigned myself to having that self back without him in my life... But I know that is he choice to make...... I can't make it for him.

So should the unthinkable happen and I can't go back to school next year I think I have decided that I might teach for a little while or go to PA school.... or become a nurse practitioner. These are not my first choice options but they are the things that I have decided on as my fall back options.
I'm making today, which is also the anniversary of the Fourth month of my relationship a birthday..... or rebirth.
So Happy New Birth to Me!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy rebirth to you! Birth Control sux to be sure. In addition, I'm so with you on the choice to eat healthier. Wonderful news. Having a back up plan is always great, so I'm proud of you on all fronts.