Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I hate waiting.
I have spent my entire life waiting on other people to decided my future.... and I am still waiting.

So today I went on a job interview and overall I think it went really well... I didn't receive any questions that I didn't have a clear answer for.. so I think that is a good thing. I should probably hear something by Friday.

In other news I am still taking this Godforsaken BC, and it is still playing with my hormones. I can't be my usual bitchy self because I'm crying all the time. Like right now I should be saying "Fuck Him" about my boyfriend, but all I can think about is that I would really appreciate it if he called.... When did I become such a bleeding heart..., I really, really don't like it.

I went to the Dr. Yesterday and let her know about the chest pains that I have been having.. so she runs an EKG and lo and behold nothing was there. Then this morning I start having one of those damn palpitations and all I can think about is why didn't this happen yesterday.
So I have to wear an event monitor for about a month... but I have to wait for it to come in the mail... I really could have used it today.

Have you every wondered why you can't just walk into an ER with standing orders to have a test ran... Like today if I had had standing orders I could have ran to an ER... got hooked up to a heart monitor and BAM!!! my Doctor would have all of the information that she would need to make an informed diagnosis of whatever this is that is slowly killing me.

If anyone has a solution as to how to take back my life from the people who have me waiting... please let me know. Thanks.

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