Tuesday, October 24, 2006

After the Test let Down......

I know everybody feels it.... you have studied for days to take a two hours test and after the test you just want to crash...... Right now I feel like falling over and doing nothing for the rest of the day. But I can't because my car decided to die last night so I am stranded here at the school until I can get a ride home, I also can't go to sleep because we have lab later on today for Gross... and today I would really not like to go to Lab.
I am tired of preparing for test.... I feel like my whole life is one big test preparation. No breaks just preparing for the next test.... and then my brain hurts.... I think I am going to have an aneurysm before I finish this year.. ugghhhhh..... This is just a rambling expression of my disgust with my life right now... I wish someone could save me from myself.
And the saga continues........................................................................................

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