Saturday, February 04, 2006

Nothing Good ever stays that way.

So I thought that I would be able to make some money by "investing" the small amount that I had into a program that some friends of mine were involved in. I guess this make what they say about everything the glitters isnt gold. So the program folded and I'm probably out the money that i put into the program. The good thing is that I didn't put as much as I wanted to in, but I could really use that money back. The funny thing is that I waited until I had seen my friends get their money back a couple of times before I decided to put my money in, just to be sure that it was going to work and that you do get your money back. I just wish that I had waited a little longer because I would still have my money.

So now I have to figure out how i'm going to replace this money.... any suggestions?

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