Sunday, May 03, 2015

Weightloss Update

So I haven't posted on this blog in quite awhile but I wanted to start back and I thought what better topic to talk about but my weight.

This past year I went on the Ketogenic diet after doing a ton of research because I wanted to make sure that it was safe. I lost 40lb! Which is the most weight that I have lost independently, meaning no trainer, no meetings , and no physical activity. (I lost 50lbs in high school participating in the Marching band). So this was a huge accomplishment for me. So fast forward to today and I have gained that weight back. The reason, Medicine. I have always been that person that gets the worst of the side effects of most drugs. I am Anemic and have Uterine fibroids. After surgery to remove my very large fibroids my OB/GYN placed me on a medication that I was to take during the middle of the month to try and jumpstart my ovulation.

Well it jumpstarted my weight gain. I was gaining 2-3 pounds a day and I took this medication for 10 days for 2 months. So I gained back all of that weight and of course my doctor was alarmed because of the rapid weight gain.

Now I'm trying to get back into Keto and finding it hard to do because my taste buds want really flavorful foods, and there is only so much flavor in meat.

So starting Tomorrow I'm going to try modifying my way back into keto, by cutting out sugars and breads. Just not going full tilt and kind of easing my body in to it.

What are you guys doing to lose weight?

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