Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Blahhh Tuesdays

Well this is another Blahh Tuesday, it is only 1pm and I'm already tired but my day doesn't end until after 12 tonight. The things we college students do for money. I'm thinking about skipping class and just going home and taking an hour nap.That way I'll be ready for more work and for my interview for SGA senator. I want that position so bad but I don't think I will get it with bloodshot eyes they will probably think I'm on crack or something.

Ok so the dilemma today is whether or not to wear earrings to the interview. I have a nice pair that match the dress shirt that I'm wearing today but I'm not sure if those earrings aren't to flashy, I feel that they may detract from the seriousness that I'm trying to portray today. Definitely a Dilemma.

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