Monday, April 09, 2007

Whew..... it's been awhile

When I originally began medical school I was listened to upperclassmen talk about how people in your family will never understand. I had that fact shown to me twice this weekend. So I went out with my mother for a mind break on Saturday and ended up at this little thrift store that sole of all things 2" binder (you have to be here to understand). So as I was stocking up on cheap binders my mother did what she always does which is brag on the fact that I'm in medical school. The lady behind the counter immediately began asking question and it turns out that her niece attends medical school here. Well the first thing she says is " she was tested when she was little and they classified her at near genius level. But she stills says that medical school is very hard."
I am here to say it, that medical school has nothing to do with how smart you are. Medical school is about endurance.... How much can you take before your brain snaps and you become a vegetable.

My uncle went so far as to tell me to stop stressing if I don't get an "A" on every test, and I really wanted to tell him that I haven't seen a "A" since I got here.
Its' funny because one of my classmates made the comment that if you flunk out at least you have made it to the point of high achievement flunking.
Even though it seems like the semester is flying away, I can't wait for it to be over... because I am beyond tired and I have never had some many test, quizzes, or homework assignments. Even when I had double the classes.
So I will leave you with these thoroughly tired thoughts as I try to figure out how to get some pain killers, sleep, and 2 homework assignments done that are due tomorrow. All while trying to figure out how to study for my first final which is Friday.