Tuesday, January 31, 2006

New Movie... New Questions

So I went to see Last Holiday ... excellent movie. It got me to thinking about the things we ( specifically me) do because (1) we are afraid to explore them (2) because they are generally the correct thing to do.
So my question to myself is am I hiding... I think I am a little... I think I am hiding behind a future... and good grades...
I think I might need to ask myself if I was going to die tomorrow have I lived a full life.... do I have any regrets (personal).

Made is the greatest....

Monday, January 30, 2006

First Test of the Year!!!

Whoever came up with this subject needs to be shot...... this is cruel and unusual punishment. So here I am at 6:00 in the morning trying to finish studying for this test ( of course I am not really studying because I am on the computer typing this blog)

I had a wonderful weekend with my mother.. considering that she crashed my laptop and I had to go pick it up... But the epiphany that I had on the way back to tallahassee is that I might be able to get the laptop that I really want if I am still under manufactures warranty for the one that she crashed. So everyone pray with me that that is the case.

Well back to studying........ ( oh joy)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

A New Start

So spring semester has begun and already I have started my manic traveling. Anyone with a local that they would wish for me to visit please leave me a comment so that I can put in an appearance... although remember that I am on a budget and cannot travel outside of the southeast region with financial assistance.
So this Blog is dedicated to my girl Tamara because she said that I haven't blogged in awhile and she was waiting to see what I had to say next... well girl I'm going to be needing to see some comments so that I know your watching... you know I am all about that positive reinforcement.

Don't you just hate that feeling that you feel that you are being used... that someone is taking just a little bit more than you are readily willing to give. Well for the past week that is how I have been feeling. Someone is truly intruding on my pt ( personal time). I don't know how I am going to handle that situation but I will keep you informed on the outcome.

So last weekend I spent a wonderful time with some friends and family in Atlanta.. Now most people would think that we went out to the club or did some serious shopping but this was not the case. (Mainly because funds were limited due to the fact that I have yet to receive my net check from FAMU but that is to be expected).
But just like the black folks we are we had fun without funds.. choosing to show our asses and photograph the evidence ( look for the pictures coming soon)

I know I said that I wasn't going to make any resolutions but I am resolving to be more assertive because I can't let life run me I need to run my own life ( Thanks Tamara for reminding me)
Peace... Until I feel like writing again.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Spring Semester.... Ohh so much closer to Graduation

So I haven't written in awhile and I am truly sorry about that. This is a new year and while I don't believe in New Years resolutions I have decided to drop about 30 pounds before graduation...
The problem is that I never have time to workout... which brings me to my next topic..... who in the world allowed me to sign-up for 15 hours my senior year... I must have bumped my damn head.

I'm going to be in Atlanta tomorrow...whoohoo... thanks tiffany.
So I hope to have a relaxing three day weekend... and school just started...

Talk to me.... New Year ... New Me... But no resolutions I swear.

This is me at Christmas... don't I look excited.